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2. CAT Tools Courses

2.2. CAT Tools Essentials

Course Title
CAT Tools Essentials

Target Audience
All roles involved in the translation industry

Course Duration
  • 20 Minutes self-paced
  • One quiz

Course Certificate
The learner will be awarded a certificate of completion, after successfully completing 
ALL quizzes with a pass grade.

Course Terminal Objective
By the end of this course, the learner will be eliminated about the CAT tools type, usage and importance.

Course Overview
This course introduces the importance of CAT tools and the facilitation it provides to handle all task types the translator needs to start working using it, and the project manager needs to carry out their projects smoothly.

Course Outline
Through a tutorial followed by a quiz, the learner will be able to know:

-        How do CAT tools help us?

-        What are the types of CAT tools?

-        The difference between CAT Tools and MT

-        Which file formats can be translated using CAT tools?

-        What is OCR?

-        The Components of any CAT tool

Course Fees
$60 $15 for a limited time.

For Enrolment and Payment Methods
Send an email with the course's full name and your name to

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