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The Localized Manager: Strategies for Career Advancement

The Localized Manager: Strategies for Career Advancement

If you're a localization project manager looking to advance your career, you might be wondering how to stand out from the crowd and impress your superiors. Well, you're in luck! In this blog post, we'll share some strategies that can help you achieve your career goals and become a successful localiz...

Navigating the Map: A Localization Project Manager's Journey

Navigating the Map: A Localization Project Manager's Journey

Localization project management is a rewarding and challenging career path for those who are passionate about languages, cultures and communication. In this blog post, I will share with you some of the benefits of working as a localization project manager, and some tips on how to become an expert in...

How to be an effective project manager in a localization company

How to be an effective project manager in a localization company

If you work as a project manager in a localization company, you know how challenging and rewarding this role can be. You are responsible for managing the translation and localization of various types of content, such as websites, apps, games, manuals, marketing materials, etc. You have to coordinate...

How to Balance Your Work and Life as a Localization Manager

How to Balance Your Work and Life as a Localization Manager

If you're a localization project manager, you know how challenging it can be to juggle multiple tasks, deadlines, languages, and stakeholders. You're constantly dealing with changing requirements, tight budgets, and cultural differences. You may feel like you have no time for yourself, your family, ...

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